
Прогноз и ставка на матч Гренобль - Мюлуз

Прогноз: ИТБ1 (4.5) с коэффициентом 1.85
137 VRUR
4.0% от банка
Преврати 1000 ₽ в 1850 ₽
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Bruleurs de Loups de Grenoble (лучшая команда Франции) против Scorpions de Mulhouse, 
средней, может быть, плохой команды в Магнусе.
«Брюлер де Лу» было тяжело в субботу против «Бордо», но они выиграли со счетом 5:4. 
Это была их первая игра в Магнусе в этом году, и было очевидно, что им не хватает ритма и практики. 
Во 2-м и 3-м периоде они были намного лучше! В своей последней игре против 
«Скорпионс» Брюлер де Лу всегда забивал 5 и более голов.
Bruleurs de Loups de Grenoble (the french best team) against Scorpions de Mulhouse, an average, maybe a poor, team in Magnus.
It was hard for Bruleurs de Loups against Bordeaux on saturday, but they won 5-4. It was their 1st game in Magnus this year, and it was obvious they suffered a lack of rhythm and practice. In the 2nde and 3rd period they were a lot better ! In their last game against Scorpions, Bruleurs de Loups always scored 5 or more goal.
Scorpions made a great unexpected start ! To my mind it's a lot more than expected. They were able to win in Amiens, and the 2 others games were against average teams. But today they will face the best team in France. To compare with football, Grenoble is like PSG, they are 5 or 6 times richer than the others teams. Their only opponent: themselves!
robot 20-09-2022, 23:35
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