Прогнозы и ставки на спорт бесплатно от Страшный БАН

04 апр
Тамбов - ЦСКА Москва
ЗАВЕРШЕН (1 - 2)
Тамбов проводит непростой сезон, отсутствие финансирования повлекло за собой, что зимой команда обновилась полностью, игроков брали чуть ли не с улицы, мотивации игрокам явно не хватает, поэтому не удивительно, что тамбовчане плотно сели на последней строчке в таблице с 13 очками, и судя по всему команда оттуда уже не поднимется. 1-12 это результат Тамбова в четырех весенних играх Премьер Лиги плюс 0-3 поражение от Локомотива в Кубке. Армейцы потерпели два поражения кряду и опустились на седьмое место, правда от четвертого места они отстают на три очка при игре в запасе. У Тамбова очень слабая игра в обороне, забивают они крайне редко, армейцы имеют довольно неплохую линию атаки, поэтому как минимум с разницей в два мяча должны выигрывать

03 апр
Кортрейк - Брюгге
ЗАВЕРШЕН (1 - 2)
Кортрейк доигрывает сезон,команда располагается на 14-м месте, чередуя в последних турах победы и поражения. Перед перерывом на матчи сборных Кортрейк проиграл Эйпену со счётом 0:2, хотя возможностей отличиться в этом матче у них было предостаточно. Брюгге великолепно проводит сезон, команда лидирует в Лиге, имея преимущество перед ближайшим конкурентом в 16 очков. Перед перерывом на матчи сборных подопечные Филиппа Клемана уступили Антверпену 0:2. Это стало лишь вторым поражением Брюгге на внутренней арене в текущем сезоне. Гости постараются сыграть на максимум плюс постараются реабилитироваться за поражение в предыдущем туре, так, что ожидаю атакующий футбол с забитыми мячами и верховым тоталом.

03 апр
Лестер Сити - Манчестер Сити
ЗАВЕРШЕН (0 - 2)
Встреча прямых конкурентов по первой четверке Премьер Лиги, хозяева поля Лестер ведет борьбу за второе место. а гости без пяти минут победители Премьер Лиги, вряд ли за оставшиеся восемь туров кто то сможет догнать Манчестер Сити. Гостевая победная серия Сити насчитывает восемь матчей кряду. В шести из семи крайних поединков на полях соперников горожане отличались не меньше двух раз за игру. Лестер на родной арене за шесть предыдущих поединков добились четырех побед, причем побеждали за этот период таких соперников, как Челси 2:0 и Ливерпуль 3:1.В 14 домашних встречах они выиграли половину, еще шесть поединков они проиграли и одну встречу завершили вничью. Лестер постоянно забивает в домашних матчах, Манчестер Сити также постоянно забивает на выезде. Так. что команды должны обменяться забитыми мячами.

01 апр
Сентрал Кост Маринерс - Аделаида Юнайтед
ЗАВЕРШЕН (2 - 1)
Встреча команд которые возглавляют турнирную таблицу А-Лиги, Централ Кост Маринерс принимает Аделаиду Юнайтед. Команды занимают первую и вторую строчку соответственно. Хозяева поля довольно резво начали текущий сезон, но затем команда угодила в игровой кризис и вот уже три тура подряд команда не может одержать победу, 2-2 против Перт Глори, поражение от Мельбурн Сити 0-2 и ничья против безпросветного аутсайдера Мельбурн Юнайтед 1-1, в общем судя по всему через 2-3 тура Централ Кост выпадет из тройки лидеров. Аделаида Юнайтед набрала хороший темп у Юнайтед сейчас серия из шести побед кряду, были дважды обыграны Ньюкасл Джетс 2:1 и 4:1, Мельбурн Виктори 3:1, Маринерс 3:2, Сидней 1:0 и Уондерерс 3:2. Вряд ли Централ Кост сможет быстро перестроиться и поменять игру, Аделаида напротив набрала хороший ход и вряд ли захочет оступиться с пока еще лидером А-Лиги, поэтому рискну предположить, что Аделаида Юнайтед как минимум сегодня не проиграет.

25 мар
Таджикистан - Монголия
ЗАВЕРШЕН (3 - 0)
The national team of Tajikistan has chances to take second place in the group and try to fight through the playoffs for reaching the third round of the Asian selection. Now she is in third place with seven points. Tajikistan in this tournament was able to beat its upcoming opponent 1-0 away and Kyrgyzstan 1-0 in its arena, having played with it in a draw 1-1 away, and also lost 0-3 to Japan and 3-4 to Myanmar. The Mongolian national team has only three points, but will definitely not be able to join the fight for the next round. This only victory was obtained at home over Myanmar 1-0, after which they only lost, scoring only one goal during this time. In this match, the national team of Tajikistan should not experience problems with gaining three points, but given their low performance, I will take that more than 3 goals will not be scored in this meeting.

25 мар
Антигуа и Барбуда - Монтсеррат
ЗАВЕРШЕН (2 - 2)
The last performance of the Antigua and Barbuda national team took place in November 2019. The match was friendly and ended in a crushing defeat from the Guatemala national team with a score of 0-8. The Montserrat national team also had their last performances in 2019, in which the team did not show the best result. The Emerald Boys finished second in League B of the CONCACAF Nations League, however, the game turned out to be closed and modest in terms of goals. The difference between goals scored and conceded was -1 (4-5). So Willie Donaghy is unlikely to deviate from his usual tactics. The Emerald Boys are likely to close on the defensive and wait for the opponent to make mistakes. The home team will open up to attack and will certainly miss. I would venture to suggest that the guests will at least not lose.
Общий коэф.
Carolina is the favorite in today's confrontation. Columbus rarely pleases its fans with an effective game, as quite often the team has difficulties in implementing the chances. Therefore, I will try to play grassroots total.
The Rangers are outperforming their opponents this season, so they shouldn't give points on home ice. Buffalo is at its peak and has a losing streak.
Previous meetings between the clubs this season were not very productive, so I propose to play the lower total.
Montreal quite often has difficulties with performance, the team rarely scores a large number of goals, and in head-to-head matches against Edmonton, clubs also do not always please with a spectacular game. I would venture to play grassroots total.
The Rangers are outperforming their opponents this season, so they shouldn't give points on home ice. Buffalo is at its peak and has a losing streak.
Previous meetings between the clubs this season were not very productive, so I propose to play the lower total.
Montreal quite often has difficulties with performance, the team rarely scores a large number of goals, and in head-to-head matches against Edmonton, clubs also do not always please with a spectacular game. I would venture to play grassroots total.

22 мар
Чайка - Толпар
ЗАВЕРШЕН (8 - 2)
Chayka failed the first game of the series, but the final result is generally logical. Too many mistakes were made in defense, for which a strong opponent would certainly severely punish. Volzhan had a lot of chances, but the implementation failed over and over again. And those problems that the team had in the series with Sputnik have not gone away. Tolpar, having in his squad the players who played in the VHL and the KHL in the season, cannot but throw a large number of pucks. When you have so many great strikers, you don't even notice any problems in defense against this background. Ufa players also need a second victory, so that before moving the series to Ufa, they do not give their opponents confidence in their abilities. The game promises to be dynamic and with an emphasis on the attack of both teams, so I expect an effective game with top total.

21 мар
Ингулец - Александрия
ЗАВЕРШЕН (1 - 0)
Despite all his intransigence, Ingulets continues to be in the danger zone, never breaking away from the departure group. In the last round, the team minimally beat Minaj on the road, but there are a lot of questions about the game itself, having received a numerical advantage in players and the score in the 20th minute, Ingulets showed little in attack, proving that their strong side is defense. Hence the abnormal number of draws. One defeat in five UPL matches in 2021, as well as reaching the semifinals of the Ukrainian Cup, with such baggage Oleksandriya is approaching the Sunday derby. Far from the worst results that allowed the team to remain contenders for fifth place. The game as a whole, apart from implementation problems, also remains at a good level. Ingulets will not have a home field factor, the team rarely scores, Alexandria will certainly take advantage of this and take three points.
Общий коэф.
It is hard to play defensive hockey against Philadelphia and not to concede, as the guests force everyone to act openly. The previous meeting turned out to be effective, and there are no preconditions for the number of goals in the upcoming match to change.
The previous game between Washington and New York Rangers turned out to be surprisingly boring and did not bring a lot of goals. And the clubs did not create many moments. Based on this, we play the bet on the total less.
Both clubs have problems with chances, and the Dallas Stars rarely score more than two goals away at all. Most likely, the upcoming fight will be held with a minimum number of pucks.
The previous game between Washington and New York Rangers turned out to be surprisingly boring and did not bring a lot of goals. And the clubs did not create many moments. Based on this, we play the bet on the total less.
Both clubs have problems with chances, and the Dallas Stars rarely score more than two goals away at all. Most likely, the upcoming fight will be held with a minimum number of pucks.

20 мар
Ворскла Полтава - Олимпик Донецк
ЗАВЕРШЕН (3 - 0)
In the new year, Vorskla is having a hard time, they drew with Rukh and Ingulets, then with a scandal they managed to beat Oleksandriya and Mariupol, and in the last round Yuriy Maksymov's wards lost to Dnipro-1 in the majority. Olimpik lost all five matches, scoring only two goals, ironically, against Shakhtar and Dynamo the team looked the best, but the defeats of Оlexandria, Mynai and SC Dnipro-1 passed almost without moments from the оlympians. It is possible that Yuri Kalitvintsev will soon deal with the team and start a smooth withdrawal from the steep peak, but now Olympic looks like one of the weakest teams in the UPL. Donetsk residents with a very good lineup do not show any advantages. The hosts must take three points with the team standing on the relegation in the class.

20 мар
Десна - Днепр-1
ЗАВЕРШЕН (0 - 2)
Desna occupies the fourth position with two points behind Zorya, and Dnipro-1 did not lose a single match after the new year, three victories and in the first round they beat Chernihiv. Desna's players are doing well in the game, the team looks solid and collected, showing a good level of defense and starting to reduce the negative difference between the expected goals and the real ones. The results, however, turned out to be ambiguous, Desna lost to Zorya in an equal match and was defeated by Shakhtar, but drew with Dynamo and destroyed Ingulets and Rukh. In short, stability is very lacking. SK Dnipro-1 has already scored 11 points in the new year, beating Ingulets with Olimpik and beating Vorskla on the road in the minority, as well as drawing with Mariupol and Oleksandriya. In all these matches, the team conceded only two goals. I expect quite lively and attacking football and in my opinion the teams will be able to exchange goals.

20 мар
Томь - Факел
ЗАВЕРШЕН (0 - 3)
Tom is on the fly and there is no getting away from this fact. Theoretically, the wards of Alexander Kerzhakov can still play a handicap of thirteen points, but this is from the realm of fantasy. The siberians lost key matches and thus signed their own verdict. The club cannot win over the last three meetings, for this segment it turned out to score only one point. Fakel continues to amaze everyone after the season resumes, because no one could expect that the Voronezh team would make such a leap, due to which they would break away from the relegation zone by ten points at once. But while Fakel team still cannot feel completely safe. Both teams play quite effectively in the spring, less than three goals were recorded in only one game, because we expect that both teams will not lower the set bar.

19 мар
Осиек - Локомотива
ЗАВЕРШЕН (2 - 0)
Osijek does not give up his championship ambitions. The team is in second place, two points behind the leader of Dynamo Zagreb. In 25 rounds, the club scored 17 victories and drew four times, with four defeats. Lokomotiv is trying on the status of the worst team in the Croatian championship. With 22 points, the Zagreb club ended up in last place in the standings with four wins, eight draws and 13 defeats. Osijek played the last league matches with shock. The team must develop this success in a home game against the main outsider of the First Division, therefore the home team will win by one or more goals.

19 мар
Горняк-Спорт - Черноморец Од
ЗАВЕРШЕН (0 - 1)
Gornyak-Sport in Kremenchug receives the leader of the First League from Odessa Chernomorets. In fact, Gornyak-Sport is 80% a different team compared to the autumn variant, when Igor Zhabchenko's charges nearly won 1-1 in Odessa. Nevertheless, the favorite has yet to adapt to the synthetic field of Kremen-Arena. The home team will try to give a fight to the leader of the championship, but the game against the Prycarpattya showed that the players of Gornyak-Sport do not yet have teamwork, although they have a desire. Therefore, in a bitter struggle, Chernomorets will take the next three points.

20 мар
Спартак Москва II - Алания
ЗАВЕРШЕН (3 - 3)
Spartak M-II is a pitiful sight. Most likely, nothing will save the muscovites from falling into the relegation zone, although there is still a five-point advantage from it. The leadership has already taken radical measures, having dismissed Roman Pilipchuk, but this did not help, and the result became much more terrible. Alania was able to take advantage of the fact that their competitors began to stumble too often. From the sixth position, the Vladikavkaz team moved to the fourth line, which gives the right to take part in the play-off matches for the right to enter the RPL. In this situation, even arguments no longer need to be given why Alania should take three points from Moscow. There is such a huge gap between the clubs now that it will simply not be possible to liquidate it, and besides, the guests have even more motivation, because they are fighting for a promotion.